Amenity Acoustics has the capability to provide the following specialist acoustic services:

3D computer environmental noise modelling
Aircraft noise intrusion assessment for proposed residential developments
Blasting Impact Assessments
Building and Architectural Acoustics
Childcare Centre Noise Impact Assessments
Entertainment / Concert Noise
Hand-Arm and Whole-Body Vibration
Industrial Noise and Vibration Assessments
Noise attenuation strategies
Noise Impact Assessments (NIA)
Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing (OLGR) Noise Impact Assessments
Noise and Vibration Management Plans – Construction and Operational
Railway Noise and Vibration Assessments
Road Traffic Noise and Vibration Assessments
Routine Surveillance Environmental Noise Monitoring
Sound Power and Sound Intensity Measurement
Third-Party Technical Reviews (Peer Reviews)

Amenity Acoustics can provide your organisation with an independent technical review of submitted Noise Impact Assessments (NIA). Un-biased reviews assessing whether submissions contain the requisite information will assist you in judging adequacy for consent and to give confidence in the assessment methodology, analysis, outcomes, recommended noise mitigation measures and any predictions of compliance. The review will also assess whether technical reports adequately address the best practice procedural requirements of industry accepted practices and those outlined in relevant Government publication guidelines and standards.

Amenity Acoustics is available to be the final stage in your Quality review system, providing the technical capacity of a Senior Acoustic Engineer, offering cost-effective responses on an as needs basis.

In our technical review experience, assessing the adequacy of the following fundamentals is crucial to the validity of the submission:

· That proponent submissions are undertaken by those with appropriate professional accreditation
· Methodologies for determining background and existing noise levels
· Application of modifying factor corrections
· Derivation of project-specific noise levels (PSNL) applicable to projects
· Assessment of noise enhancing meteorological conditions (wind effects and temperature inversions)
· Adequate assumptions and representation of noise source levels and character (temporal and frequency)
· Adequate representation of individual and cumulative noise source operational scenarios
· Noise level prediction methodologies and determination of impacts
· Noise mitigation strategies and assumptions of acoustic attributes of proposed building element systems

Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Noise and Vibration Monitoring
3D computer environmental noise modelling